ATFCU blog
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5 Tips for Preparing a Post-College Budget
One of the biggest tasks you’ll face as you start your post-college life is setting up a budget. If you haven’t lived on your own before, you won’t have a history of bills and expenses to use as a reference, so you’ll have to estimate. Allow room for some mistakes, and use a personal finance app to plan. Don’t forget to leave a bit of your budget for fun, so you don’t burn out just as you’re getting started! Continue reading
Teaching Children About Money
Part of bringing up children today is giving them all the tools they need to survive and do well in the world and environment in which they live. That means helping them understand the value of and the concepts of earning, using, saving and investing money. Continue reading
Save on Heating Costs
With inflation driving costs up everywhere, you might be dreading the bill for heating your home this winter. There are some simple changes you can make to help with lowering your heating costs. You won't heat your home for free, but at least you won't go broke! Continue reading
Kids + Extracurricular Activities = $$$
It's National Son's Day! If you have sons or daughters as active in extracurricular activities as mine, you know how draining that can be on your checkbook. Check out these money saving tips when it comes to paying for ALL THE THINGS! Continue reading
Frugal February Challenge
Who doesn't love a good challenge? And if it means improving your finances, we think it's worth the work. February is the shortest month of the year so why not try a simple challenge to get your finances back on track now? You can do this! Continue reading
DIY it or hire a pro?
One of the greatest things about being a homeowner is tackling your own home improvement and repair projects. Very few things give you a better feeling than doing for yourself something you’d always imagined you’d have to hire a pro for. Whether you decide to DIY it or pay a pro Abilene Teachers FCU can help if you need a loan to help cover costs! Continue reading
Bring back the Brown Bag
We’ve all grown up hearing that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but new findings are challenging that. Going out every day will cost you north of $2,000! By shopping carefully and doing your preparation and packing ahead of time, you can brown-bag it and save big bucks. Continue reading
Teach a Child to Save
Developing good saving habits at a young age creates a foundation for a lifetime. Involving our children with a savings plan and good money management skills prepare them for a solid future. Here's how ATFCU helps teach those foundational skills to the children in our service area. Continue reading
Mobile Check Deposit
Check out this post to watch a step-by-step video tutorial on how to deposit a check using only your smartphone! Continue reading