ACU coach talking to football player
In Our Community

Actions speak louder than words

Abilene is our home and always will be

ATFCU is dedicated to good corporate citizenship. We’re involved and looking for new ways to connect with Abilene and the Big Country.

ATFCU 2025 Scholarship Program

The credit union awards at least ten $1,500 scholarships each year to members graduating from high school. Recipients are selected on the basis of academic achievement, extracurricular activities, work experience and evidence of financial responsibility.

To be eligible for the upcoming awards, a potential applicant must be a primary member of ATFCU, meaning that he or she has an account in his or her name.  This account must have been established on or before November 12, 2024.  Other requirements are:

  • Applicant will be graduating from high school in May or June of 2025
  • Applicant intends to be a full time student for the 2025-2026 academic year at an accredited college or university in the United States
  • Applicant is not related to an ATFCU employee, Board member, or Supervisory Committee member

Applications will be available electronically on January 2, 2025. (Applicants can follow the link prior to that date to establish their application account, but questions will not appear until January 2.) Recommendations and an essay will be required.  The application deadline is March 4, 2025.



See what we prioritize

  • Laura and Emilee helping Wylie high school students with their budget

    Scholarships and Financial Literacy

    We offer scholarships for graduating seniors along with financial education online and in the classroom. You’ll find complete explanations further along on the page.

  • check presentation to Habitat for Humanity

    Community Events

    We have been the proud lead sponsor of Boo at the Zoo since 2021 and the March of Dimes March for Babies in 2013 and 2019. ATFCU has presented the dramatic reading stage at the annual Children’s Literary Festival since 2013.

  • Employees at Austin Elementary for High Five Friday

    Supporting Children and Education

    We introduced Skip-A-Pay to the Abilene area in 2004. It’s a win/win/win for the credit union, our members and the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Big Country.

Financial Literacy in the Classroom

Whether it’s a classroom discussion or a large in-school economic reality fair, we can help.

Elizabeth Gray is the Community Development Officer at Abilene Teachers FCU. Please contact her at (325) 677-2274 or [email protected] to discuss possibilities.

We want to put a good word in for the Banzai financial literacy classroom program. We provide all materials needed by the elementary, secondary and middle schools within our service area. Students nationwide and in the Big Country have enthusiastically received this interactive curriculum.

Clyde High school students in the gym doing the reality fair

Check out our Economic Reality Fair video

If you would like more information about Economic Reality Fairs, please contact Elizabeth Gray at 325.677.2274 or [email protected].

A video showing high school students budgeting their household income and expenses.

Photo of member Ashley B

ATFCU cares about their members and their community. What more could you ask for?

Ashley A., member since 2017

March of Dimes. We’re advocating for the tiniest Texans.

We’ve worked closely with the March of Dimes in West Texas to aid their mission of decreasing premature births. It is not an exaggeration to state that MOD’s research positively impacts the life of every child born in the United States.

The work continues. On a corporate level, the credit union has elected to donate a penny for every ATFCU debit card transaction made since the beginning of 2013.

Stacey, director of the March of Dimes, Cash the Lion, and Elizabeth Gray at the 2024 March of Dimes walk.

Boys and Girls Clubs of The Big Country are positive places for kids to grow

Since 2004, members have had the opportunity to skip two loan payments each year for a modest $10 or $15 monthly fee.

All funds collected are forwarded to the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Big Country to assist their meaningful work with our region’s children and teens. More than $2.8 million has been donated in the past 20 years.

On behalf of the kids, many thanks to our members for their continued participation!


check presentation with representatives from ATFCU and Boys and Girls Club

Random acts of kindness

CU Around is a group of ATFCU employees getting out in the community spreading joy to others. We show up unannounced to perform random acts of kindness.

We have appeared at Chick-fil-A on St. Patrick’s Day and bought lunch for those wearing green. We delivered lunch to the florists in town on Valentine’s Day. Recently, we delivered a home-cooked dinner and Christmas presents to the homeless teens served by Youth Voice.

Since 2021, we have provided snack bags to the local UPS employees during Christmas week. Their workload grows each year and we thank them for delivering our presents!

Be on the lookout for our team in their bright blue and orange shirts.


Members of CUAround and two UPS drivers with the snack bags we delivered.

More than a financial institution, we’re a member of the community

  • Since 2004, more than
    $ 2.8 million

    Donated to the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Big Country on behalf of our members.

  • In 2023, more than

    Provided to area schools and nonprofits to support their operations.

  • Since 2006,

    Area students named as ATFCU scholarship honorees.

Donation Requests

Abilene Teachers FCU provides significant support to schools, nonprofits and organizations supporting education and children. If you would like your organization to be considered, please direct your request to [email protected].

Send an email to Kathy Mayer


Photo Credit: ‘ACHS Football’ goes to Lacey Fields.