Budget Bootcamp

Budget Bootcamp Materials

Rosemarie Groner knows what it’s like when your financial aspirations are in conflict with your personality. After all, she’s been there herself.

When Groner left her job as a state trooper to be a full-time mom, her family had spent its way into $30,000 of debt. By her own admission, most of her financial mess could be attributed to the family’s disorganized lifestyle.

“We spent a fortune in groceries,” she writes on her blog, “only to let them rot in the fridge when we got busy and had to eat out. Our sink was always piled high with dishes, making it hard to cook at home, and we tried everything to stop spending so much money only to fail time and time again.”

After lots of frustrating trial and error, Groner and her husband, Jon, finally discovered a strategy for organizing their lives and their finances and pulling themselves out of debt. Through her self-developed 90 Day Budget Bootcamp, the Groners learned that budgeting and efficient home management cannot be separated. By focusing on improving home management, they successfully paid off $30,000-plus in debt and slashed the family’s annual spending by more than $23,000, all while finding a way to make up for the income Rosemarie lost when she left her job.

Once she had reached her goal, Rosemarie was so ecstatic with her newly organized home, life and finances, that she launched a blog, The Busy Budgeter, to share all her newly discovered wisdom. The blog exploded and has been visited by 18 million readers since its launch in 2014. Through her insightful posts on all things financial, and her tried-and-true system for home and life organization, hundreds of thousands of followers have pulled themselves out of the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle and have started living financially responsible lives.

The Busy Budgeter focuses on organization and home management, and aids those who find it impossible to create a budget, track monthly expenses and stick to a spending plan. Through Rosemarie Groner’s innovative tips and strategies, the chronically disorganized can learn the secrets of successful home management and budgeting.

Blog visitors can choose from a wide variety of trending posts to read, like How to Play Pickleball: A Budget-Friendly Game and How to Quit a Job You Hate. Topics also include How to Budget; Organization; Easy Meals and Make Money. Tips and tricks are always presented in a down-to-earth language, making for easy reading and almost effortless implementation.

For visitors looking for more intensive training, the free 90 Day Budget Bootcamp is the perfect beginner’s guide toward organized living and budgeting. Participants receive a daily challenge to help them make small yet significant changes in their daily routines.

Groner also offers several paid courses to teach participants how to transform their homes and their budgets with organized, efficient systems.

As she says, “[T]here is absolutely nothing standing between you and a life with less stress, constant money wins instead of fails and a house that you’re excited to come home to.”

Do you want to be an outstanding homeowner and budgeter? Check out Groner’’s blog and follow her on Facebook to learn the Busy Budgeter’s secrets.

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