Rest Easy. ATFCU Accounts are Safe and Secure.
James Boyd, President/CEO - Abilene Teachers Federal Credit UnionAbilene Teachers Federal Credit Union has always focused on the right things – serving our members with excellence, exercising fiscally conservative management and maintaining the highest ethical standards.
Member accounts at Abilene Teachers Federal Credit Union are federally insured to at least $250,000 by NCUA – the National Credit Union Administration. What FDIC is to banks, NCUA is to credit unions. The insured amounts and qualifications are the same.
The primary measure of a credit union’s financial strength is the Capital Ratio. It measures net worth in relation to total assets. Our federal regulators require credit unions to have a capital ratio of at least 7%. Credit unions the size of Abilene Teachers have an average capital ratio of 10.5%. Our capital ratio is higher than 17%. We are financially strong due to tight financial controls and a conservative approach to investment.
ATFCU is not Silicone Valley National Bank, mismatching short-term deposits with long-term investments. Nor are we Signature Bank, who invested heavily in the crypto industry. Our fiscal management is careful and vigilant. Some might call it plain vanilla. Right now vanilla is looking like everyone’s new favorite flavor.
From our regulatory agencyJim Nussle, President/CEO - Credit Union National AdministrationCredit unions were born in a time of financial crisis, and we are a safe harbor during life’s storms. The credit union difference means that credit unions act with the best interests of member-owners at heart, and credit unions will continue to meet member needs.
More Information is Available
Credit union members have never lost a penny of insured savings at a federally insured credit union. Visit for complete information about the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) insurance coverage for members.
This site includes a very thorough selection of frequently asked questions to help you understand the limits of coverage on the various accounts you may have at Abilene Teachers FCU. Please contact a Member Services representative if you would like to discuss your particular situation.
ATFCU’s 2023 Annual Report can be viewed electronically on this website. If you’d like a physical copy, please let us know and we’ll drop one in the mail. The figures in this publication are for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023.